Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Marshmallow Brownies

I found this brownie recipe on "First Look Then Cook" blog. I follow her blog regularly. I was really excited about making these brownies but I was not totally jazzed about the results. They were ok but I'm more of a fudgy brownie person and these were definitely cakey. And even though I added more marshmallows than the recipe called for, my marshmallow layer was kind of wimpy. They were definitely tasty and moist and sticky & gooey & all that good stuff but I don't think I'd make them again. Or maybe if I do try a marshmallow brownie again, I will use my own fudgy brownie recipe.

Marshmallow Brownies




  • 1 C butter, melted
  • 2 C sugar
  • 1/4 C cocoa
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tsp. vanilla
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 1/2 C flour
  • 3/4 C chopped nuts (if desired)
  • 2 1/2 C mini marshmallows


  • 1/4 C butter, melted
  • 2 TB milk
  • 1/3 C cocoa
  • 1 1/4 C powdered sugar

Mix together melted butter, sugar, coca, eggs, vanilla and salt. Add flour and mix just until combined. Fold in nuts, if desired. Bake in a greased 9×13 pan at 375 degrees for 25 minutes. IMmediately top with marshmallows and bake an additional 2 minutes. Use a knife dipped in water to spread marshmallows evenly. Cool completely. To make frosting, whisk ingredients together until smooth. Spread frosting over marshmallow layer.

Makes about 24 brownies.


  1. I love fudgey brownies too... what's the point of a lightly flavored piece of chocolate cake? That's the thing with baking, you just never know if a recipe is going to turn out.. I'm working on food facts for the Orange County Fair, did you know January 22 is national "Blondie Brownie" day--ohhh blondies, that sounds good.

  2. These look absolutely delicious - I can't wait to try them.

  3. Heidi, these look like a brownie lover paradise. I've just finished ready through your earlier posts and really like your recipes. I'll be back as often as I can. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  4. Well they look good. I will stick with your leftover Easter candy brownie recipe. My kids loved that. They were so good!

  5. I like the moist middle and the smooth/slick top...

  6. omg...i have homemade marshmallows in the freezer. i am so making these, adding some salted marcona almonds. can't wait to eat the whole tray


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